Cerebral Palsy Equipment

Learning To Adapt

Learning To

Having the right equipment can make a huge difference in quality of life for individuals living with cerebral palsy (CP). Adaptive equipment provides greater independence for individuals with CP and allows them to accomplish everyday tasks that may have seemed out of reach.

Equipment needs vary greatly depending on an individual’s diagnosis and symptoms. Here at the Cerebral Palsy Association of Colorado Springs (CPACS), we have everything from wheelchairs (both pediatric and adult sizes) and walkers to bath equipment and activity chairs.

Please browse the listings below and contact us if you have any questions or are interested in borrowing a piece of equipment. If you have an equipment need that we can’t fill, we are happy to reach out to our community contacts on your behalf. We want to support you and your family in any way we can.

We recommend working with a medical professional to decide what equipment best fits the needs of the child or adult with CP in your life.

cerebral palsy equipment


Bathing and

Special Needs Bath Supports provide support and positioning for individuals who cannot stand or sit upright unassisted during bathing and toileting. These supports are constructed of durable high-grade material to help support safely.




Walking Aids

Help Provide To Our Lending Closet

Help Provide To Our
Lending Closet

By donating gently used adaptive medical equipment, CPACS is able to supply an extensive inventory of equipment to be lent out. Whether it’s a gently used adaptive stroller, wheelchair, or gait trainer which kids may have outgrown or adults no longer use, we would love to be able to share this along this many other gently used adaptive equipment with the CP community!

Adaptive Medical Equipment Lending Closet

CPACS accepts donations of used durable medical equipment and loans them out to families and individuals free of charge. Our lending closet allows individuals to try out a particular piece of equipment before purchasing it, and also provides a temporary solution for families and individuals who are waiting on an equipment order.

Since symptoms can vary widely across different types of cerebral palsy, it can take some trial and error to find the correct equipment and treatment plan. We want to take as much financial and emotional strain out of that process as possible by offering a safe and low-cost way to experiment with different options.

Even if you know the type of equipment that you need, medical equipment can take months to come in after it has been ordered, so let us provide a piece of equipment to help bridge that gap. If you need to keep the equipment long-term, that’s okay too!

Our main focus is to offer resources and family support for cerebral palsy, but if you need medical equipment for a different diagnosis, feel free to contact us. We want our equipment to be used by people who need it!